Donating Items to WHRC

The Women’s History and Resource Center welcomes donations from our clubs and past and present members. We ask that you adhere to our mission statement when donating items. This helps us to ensure that the history of GFWC is being preserved to the best of our abilities. Our mission statement is as follows: “The Women’s History and Resource Center collects, preserves, interprets, and promotes the history of the GFWC and women volunteers.”

Due to space restrictions, the WHRC is no longer actively collecting any written or documented histories, administrative records, or publications of GFWC member clubs, states, or districts. If you have any questions on where to house your club’s historic materials, please contact If you are looking to prepare club or federation histories, please refer to the links below:

Make A Gift

Consider giving a monetary gift to the WHRC to preserve and promote GFWC’s important role in women’s history.