Credentials and Voting

Credentials and Voting

In accordance with GFWC Bylaws, Article VIII, each club is permitted a certain number of voting delegates. To determine your voting status during GFWC Business Sessions, credential cards are issued onsite at the GFWC Registration Desk. Credential cards are not mailed in advance. When completing your registration, indicate your voting status and the capacity in which you are a delegate. Your voting status is then verified by the GFWC Credentials Committee.

Read the to-be-proposed Bylaws amendments and the to be proposed Resolutions (new, amended, and those to be rescinded) that will be considered at the 2022 GFWC Annual Convention.

Voting Capacities

Club Level

Two members from every Woman’s Club, Junior Woman’s Club, or Juniorette Club of 20 or fewer members may be voting delegates. For each additional 10 members (or major fraction of 10) one more delegate may represent the club. For example, a club with 56 members may have six voting delegates: two for the first 20 members, one for having 21–30 members, one for having 31–40 members, one for having 41–50 members, and one for having an additional six members, which is a major fraction of 10.

To be eligible to vote, attendees had to belong to a club whose dues were submitted by its State Federation to GFWC by February 15, 2022. A delegate must pay the registration fee for the entire Convention to be entitled to vote. Daily registration fee does not include voting privileges.

Board Level

All members of the GFWC Board of Directors and of the GFWC Standing and Special Committees are eligible to vote by virtue of their office.

Region Level

The Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of each Region are voting delegates. The Region President is a voting delegate as a member of the GFWC Board of Directors.

State Level

If your State has any of the following elected officials, they may be voting delegates by virtue of their office: President-elect; First, Second, and Third Vice Presidents; Secretary; Corresponding Secretary; Treasurer; and the Director-elect of Junior Clubs. The State President and State Director of Junior Clubs are voting delegates as members of the GFWC Board of Directors. State Community Service Program, Special Program, or Advancement Plan Chairmen may be delegates. Your State may have additional elected positions, chairmanships, and/or officers, but those with titles other than those mentioned will have to be delegates from their clubs or in some other capacity.

GFWC National or International Club

One voting delegate from each such club.

National Organization or International Affiliate

One voting delegate for each such organization.


  • A delegate has only one vote and must pay full registration.
  • After checking into the hotel, your first stop should be the GFWC Registration and Welcome Desks to pick up your Convention materials.
  • Each delegate must pick up and sign for her own credentials.
  • Voting delegates receive a white voting card. Non-voting is a blue card.
  • Only an accredited delegate may introduce motions, debate, and vote.
  • No proxy voting shall be allowed.
  • A member registering as a nonvoting member may, upon proper clearance by the Credentials Committee, be transferred to a delegate status during a business session meeting.
  • For further information regarding dues, credentials, and representation, refer to the GFWC Bylaws ARTICLE V Dues and Finance Section 5.2 Dues., ARTICLE VIII Conventions, and ARTICLE XII Committees Section 12.1 Standing Committees. E) Credentials.


Lisa Hedrick
Credentials Chairman

2020–2022 GFWC Credentials Committee

Lisa Hedrick, Chairman
Martha Casassa, Dottie Gregg, Tric Heepe, Karen Leach, Michelle Munoz, Sharon Sheridan