GFWC Secretary

A member of the GFWC Board of Directors since 2008, Jolie has been an integral part of the decisions that will take this organization into the future.

As GFWC Secretary, her duties expanded to include implementing and hosting remote meetings on BigMarker Remote Platform, enabling GFWC to continue to effectively reach its members. She also successfully served GFWC as Treasurer and Director of Junior Clubs, and has been a strong member of the Strategic Planning Committee for 13 years.

Jolie utilizes her unique leadership experiences to help organization leaders recognize the value of maintaining cohesive objectives while preserving individual uniqueness in accomplishing goals. She has a leadership style that fosters change, builds loyalty, and encourages others to be a part of the decision-making process.

Jolie is a graduate of the University of South Florida with a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business/Vocational Education. Her teaching experience aids in leadership training, conflict resolution, public speaking, and crafting club models. Jolie has trained adult students in Business Management, Forms Design, closed captioning, and various software applications.

Her hobbies include fishing, paddle boarding, golfing, and adventures – but not zip-lining! She spent her young life traveling in a military family, but Jolie and her husband Tom have lived in Tampa for 30 years. Their two children have graduated college and are working out-of-state.

Jolie is excited to be a part of creating the future of GFWC.