Director of Junior Clubs

A dedicated clubwoman for over 16 years, Kristina has served on the GFWC Board of Directors for the past six years. She is a past GFWC Wisconsin State Director of Junior Clubs, receiving an Outstanding Director of Junior Clubs award in 2016. She has served as Convention Chairman and Nominating Chairman for the Great Lakes Region. Joining the Oconomowoc Junior Woman’s club in 2004, she has served in many offices including club president twice. She received the GFWC Wisconsin Junior of the Year award in 2017. She is a 2009 LEADS graduate.

Kristina has been a scout leader for over 10 years, earning the council District Award of Merit in 2015 and Silver Beaver Award in 2019. She is the Committee Chair for Venturing Crew 196 and has served as a Wood badge staff member. She is a lifelong Girl Scout, earning her Silver Award in her youth. She is a member of First Congregational UCC, Oconomowoc where she has served on the board of directors for the preschool, as a Sunday school teacher and worked with the scouts of her church to earn their scout religious emblem awards. She earned the BSA God & Service award in 2016.

Kristina is an accomplished artist and photographer. She owns a glass studio and also works for Lifetouch photography.

Married to her best friend Michael, they have three wonderful children with whom they enjoy many adventures, whether it is exploring the National Parks or camping with the scouts.