Shop at AmazonSmile

Shop at AmazonSmile

When you shop at, you’ll find the same selection, prices, and convenience as on, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate .5 percent of the purchase price to GFWC Headquarters.

Millions of products are eligible for donations. If you’re an AmazonPrime member, all of the same benefits apply on

To Support GFWC through AmazonSmile

  1. Visit and sign in. If you don’t have an account, you can create a new one.
  2. Enter “53-0196514,” which will pull up the specific entry for GFWC Headquarters. If you do not have this number handy, type in “General Federation of Women’s Clubs” and select the entry with the Washington, DC location.
  3. Start shopping. When you’re finished, there is no extra cost at checkout and Amazon will automatically donate .5 percent of your purchase.

Purchases on the main site do not support GFWC, so be sure to go to every time and bookmark the link.