News & Notes: June 25,2020

June 25, 2020

View our Important Dates page for upcoming events and milestones.

From GFWC’s International President 

Dear Members,

It is so hard to believe that this is the last News & Notes article that I will be sending you. The time has just flown by, but so much was accomplished as time was hurrying by for us.

7 Grand Initiatives – Each with a Goal of 1,000:
  • Martin Luther King Day—1,461 projects were completed.
  • Women in the Military—1,989 projects were accomplished. 

  • Legislative Action Center (LAC)—2,776 members have joined since July 1, 2018.

  • Million Dollar Club—$236,134.34 through the Million Dollar Club for the Capital Campaign.

  • Arbor Day—28,783 trees were planted.

  • Dr. Seuss Books—74,736 Dr. Seuss books donated to local/state and DC schools and children centers.

  • Soles4Souls/Nike Program—117,360 pairs of shoes donated.

Brand Initiatives – Each with a Goal of 1,000:
  • 100th Anniversary of the Right to Vote—1,007 celebratory projects are in place to
    celebrate in August, 2020.

  • Miranda’s Law—8,947 contacts were made with U.S. Legislators on September 23, 2019, urging passage of Miranda’s Law.

  • 3D Gun Safety Act—7,633 contacts were made with U.S. Legislators on October 23, 2019, urging passage of the 3D Gun Safety Act.

GFWC’s Legislative Blitz on April 24, 2020, Federation Day, U.S. Senators and Representatives received 8,261 contacts from members urging passage of Miranda’s Law and the 3D Gun Safety Act. And the numbers are still coming in from states. Over 41,000 contacts to congressmen regarding the 3D Gun Bill, Miranda’s Law, ERA, Women’s History Coin Act, and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) brought the name of GFWC to the forefront JOB WELL DONE.
Now as we close the book on the 7 Grand Initiatives, I can now devote my time to reading Dr. Seuss to the original “7 Grand.” I thank you for taking my dreams and turning them into overwhelming successes due to your efforts. I thank you for the laughter and fun when we have been together as those special memories are so very dear to me. I thank you with all my heart for making the 2018–2020 Administration, Our “One Moment in Time,” so much more than I ever, ever dreamed it would be. Know that we may part now, but you will always be with me in my heart.

Much Love,

Mary Ellen 

P.S. As a final farewell, we ask that you raise a glass of your favorite liquid on Tuesday evening, June 30, at 7:00 EDT, for a virtual toast with the 2018–2020 Executive Committee to a Last Salute to the joys of the 2018–2020 Administration and a Welcome to the 2020–2022 Administration.

Congrats, 2020 Jennie Award Winners
by Anne Redlus, Jennie Award Chairman 

It has been an honor to oversee the judging of the 2020 GFWC Jennie Awards. These eight women are amazing volunteers within their clubs, elsewhere in their communities, and as members of a family or extended family. Congratulations!

The 2020 GFWC Region Jennie Award honorees are:

The Great Lakes Region Recipient is Donna Cross from Illinois. Donna is a 31-year member of GFWC Metamora Germantown Hills Junior Woman’s Club. In 1990, Donna presented the “Avenue of Flags” project to the club, which continues today. More than 200 flags purchased by veteran families fly on three holidays in town. “Donna is unassuming and consistently goes above and beyond in her volunteer service to her community.” 

The Middle Atlantic Region Recipient is Patricia H. Greene from New York. Pat has been a part of GFWC and GFWC New York for more than 50 years. She has served her State Federation in many positions before rising to the office of GFWC New York President from 2004–2006. She was recently honored as First Lady of her hometown. “Pat Greene impacts everyone’s life: in GFWC, her community, and her family.”

The Mississippi Valley Region Recipient is Kathy Palermo from Missouri. Kathy has been part of GFWC for 38 years and has recruited 47 new members over the years. She is a member of three clubs: GFWC Beverly Shelton Girls Town Club, GFWC Achieving by Reading Club, and the GFWC Nu-Era Club. Kathy served as GFWC Missouri State President from 2014–2016. “Kathy exemplifies the ideals set forth in the Collect.”

The New England Region Recipient is Karen Leach from Rhode Island. Karen started her Federation career in 1991. Today, she is a member of the GFWC Cranston Community Woman’s Club. Just completing her term as GFWC Rhode Island President, Karen’s Special State Project was sponsoring the first all-women Honor Flight to Washington, DC through fundraising and donations of $10,000. “Karen faces life with her upbeat positive go get’em attitude.”

The South Central Region Recipient is Barbara Winingham from Texas. Barbara is a 62-year member of GFWC Texas and the Amity Club in Bowie. Besides all of her involvement in club work, Barbara has been appointed to a number of state committees and was an integral part of the plan to bring a North Central Texas College Campus to Bowie in the late 1990’s. “Barbara is an extraordinary clubwoman who epitomizes the spirit of independence, courage, and love of God.”

The Southern Region Recipient is Ann Malpass from South Carolina. Ann has been a member of the GFWC Woman’s Club of Cayce since 1973. Currently serving as Chairman of the GFWC South Carolina Headquarters committee, she is responsible for the maintenance, restorations, and improvements of this historical building through fundraising and grants. “Ann is living a life of unwavering dedication and devotion to her family and friends, her profession, church, club, sorority, and community.”


The Southeastern Region Recipient is Bridget Murphy from Kentucky. Bridget is a 30-year member of GFWC Morgan County Woman’s Club. Bridget oversaw the erecting of a Women’s Military Monument in her town’s park. She is a Champion for the Shot@Life Program, gaining knowledge of and skills in advocacy and applied those on Capitol Hill. “Bridget lives a life that epitomizes commitment to her family, club, and community.” 

The Western States Region Recipient is Alice Gleason from Montana. Alice has been a member of  GFWC Ronan Woman’s Club since 1969. She suggested over 32 years ago that her club hold an annual flea market craft fair, and it is still happening. Her club started the Garden of the Rockies Museum, and Alice continues to serve on the Board. “As a role model, Alice has demonstrated the highest standards of hard work, civic engagement, motherhood, and optimism.”

Volunteers in Action

This week’s GFWC Blog features GFWC West Side (Pennsylvania) and GFWC Woman’s League of Mt. Holly (New Jersey). Read and comment on their efforts to help their communities by donating to local food banks and providing wagons to their local hospital.

Send your success stories to be considered for the GFWC Blog! Include a project or event summary, along with action-packed photos. 

Draft Resolution to Use for the 19th Amendment’s Centennial
by Judi Stankowich, GFWC Resolutions Chairman

Clubs and states: Consider using the following draft of a Resolution to observe the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment.

WHEREAS, The 19th Amendment recognized the significance of woman’s suffrage, which when ratified in 1920, affirmed the citizenship of more than 26 million women and granted them a mechanism to empower themselves, their families, and their communities; and

, The 19th Amendment was ratified on August 18, 1920, and

, The year 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment and offers an unparalleled opportunity to commemorate a milestone of democracy; therefore

RESOLVED, That (name of municipality or government body) is proud to recognize that the ratification of the 19th Amendment marked the end of a three-generation struggle to win the right to vote, for women; and

RESOLVED, That (name of municipality or government body) supports (name of club)’s (celebration event details) to mark the 100th Anniversary of women winning the right to vote.
Sample of last RESOLVED:

RESOLVED, That Anytown Board of Commissioners supports GFWC Anytown’s 19th Amendment Centennial Festival to be held on the courthouse parking lot, August 16, 2020 from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm to mark the 100th Anniversary of women winning the right to vote.

Irish Splendor Trip 

GFWC has rescheduled its Irish Splendor Trip with Collette Tours to November 11–18, 2020. Join your fellow members as we tour Dublin, Killarney, and other charming towns and sites that are such a part of the Irish experience. For more information contact Mary Ellen Brock at

Attend the First Virtual GFWC Annual Convention


If you haven’t already, join  the First GFWC Virtual Annual Convention, “Remember the Rose,” by visiting the GFWC website or the YouTube playlist. Cheer as the Community Service Program, Advancement Area, and Contest Chairmen announce their awards. Watch the Farewell Addresses from 2018–2020 International President Mary Ellen Brock and 2018–2020 Director of Junior Clubs Trisha Schafer, as well as the Inaugural Address from 2020–2022 International President Marian St.Clair. There’s also a video to welcome you to the 2021 Convention in Toronto as well!

Consider organizing a watch party—via Zoom or conference call—so that others can experience the First Virtual GFWC Annual Convention with you. All of the proceedings are also now available in the Awards and Accolades Book, available for you to download and print.

Thankful for GFWC and Its Members
by Janet Prince, GFWC Membership Chairman

When I first began my role as Membership Chairman two years ago, I expected to meet many amazing women while planning recruitment and retention projects and programs for our great Federation. But words cannot express all of the ways that I have grown as a leader. Learning about the opportunities and challenges that the membership faces in every part of the country has taken me on an amazing journey that has created many new beginnings, not only for myself but for my club.

What new adventures has your club been on this Administration?

Share your experiences on GFWC’s Facebook page. One of the most rewarding aspects of my role has been reading all of the comments on our #ThankYouTuesday posts each month. I am thankful for the lasting impact that GFWC clubwomen have made.

Parliamentary Pointers
by GFWC Parliamentarian Deen J. Meloro

This is the final article for News & Notes from this parliamentarian. Next week we will have a new GFWC Parliamentarian, Ida Dorvee. Ida has previously served in this position, and you will enjoy working with her and appreciate her expertise.

It has been a real pleasure to respond to the letters, emails, and phone calls from around the country. Working with our clubwomen is a challenge and a treat.

Most of the problems that have surfaced have been due to bylaws that haven’t been changed in years or are poorly written. Each club and state should make it a practice to not just amend a problem, but to read the bylaws in their entirety at least once an Administration and see if there are areas that are not clear or specific. Do this with a few people listening and start asking questions. What if…? How do we…? It is very hard to deal with a problem if your bylaws don’t address that area. If at all possible, use a parliamentarian that is a member of the National Association of Parliamentarians. Using long-time members can work, but sometimes these members want things done “the way we’ve always done it.”

It is also strongly recommended that each club and state create Standing Rules to deal with details. Bylaws would state what day or date meetings are held. Standing Rules would state the time and place of the meeting. Bylaws would state that the organization have a Hostess Committee. Standing Rules would state the duties of the Hostess Committee. Bylaws contain those rules that are so important that they can only be changed with advance notice and need a 2/3 affirmative vote to be adopted. Standing Rules can be changed at any meeting and need a majority vote to pass.

Remember: Robert’s Rules!

Marketplace: Seven Grand Initiatives T-Shirt 

GFWC clubs have done an awesome job reaching our Seven Grand Initiatives goals! Celebrate the projects that you have completed in style with the GFWC Seven Grand Initiatives T-Shirt. With its extra soft cotton and beautiful colors, this might just become your new favorite shirt! Order one at the GFWC Marketplace.

Your order will be fulfilled as soon as possible. GFWC Headquarters now has a limited number of staff onsite each day as Washington, DC enters the initial phase of reopening in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.