News & Notes – July 25, 2019

Plan For Women’s Equality Day

We’re only a month away from Women’s Equality Day on August 26. The day commemorates the adoption of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. Here are a few ideas for how you can celebrate:

  • Encourage women in your community to register to vote. With the next presidential election just over a year away, it’s the perfect time to inspire women to exercise the right that their foremothers fought for them to have. If you sponsor a Juniorette club, take the chance to talk to them about the importance of adding their voice to the political process.
  • Honor the Woman Suffrage Procession of 1913, the first suffragist parade in D.C., by marching in a local suffrage parade in your community.
  • Compile a list of women-owned businesses where you live. Supporting local businesses is an important way to give back to your community. Distribute the list to your club so they can celebrate women entrepreneurs.

One of GFWC’s new “Brand Initiatives” is to have 1,000 projects in place to celebrate the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage on August 26, 2020. It may be a year away, but that gives you time to plan something spectacular. Get a head start by observing Women’s Equality Day this year!

Verify Your Information on the Member Portal

GFWC’s new Association Management System, MemberSuite, is the fastest way to give GFWC your correct club and contact information.

For example, did you just move to a new house or are you planning to move soon? Relocating is stressful and can result in a long to-do list. For the GFWC items on that list, log in to your member profile to get everything done all at once! Update your address so that your Clubwoman Magazine subscription is sent to the right place while checking that your preferences to receive GFWC communications are set as you would like.

Life moves quickly, but the GFWC Member Portal makes it easy to keep track of all the moving parts. Log in now to enter or verify the information on your profile.

Curator’s Corner

The historic documents and artifacts at GFWC Headquarters are located in a temperature- and humidity-controlled room maintained at 64 degrees throughout the year. This atmosphere helps preserve the longevity of our paper documents and protects GFWC’s collections from mold and mildew. Unfortunately, not everyone has access to a climate-controlled room.

If your club’s documents are at risk of temperature-related damages, use these tips to best preserve them:

  • Wash your hands before handling historic materials. The oils on your skin contribute to deterioration.
  • Remove all staples, paper clips, or metal fasteners before storing your materials so they won’t rust and cause damage to paper documents.
  • Place documents in an acid-free folder and/or box. Individual documents, such as a club charter or historic letter, should be placed inside a polyester sleeve.
  • Store your documents upright in a document storage box. If you don’t have enough materials to fill the box, fill the remaining space with acid-free tissue paper so your documents remain straight.
  • Choose a storage location that’s free from light/has limited light, is clean and free from pests, and has a low humidity level.

For more tips to ensure your documents can beat the heat, visit the National Archive’s list of tips or contact WHRC Manager Alyssa Constad.

State President’s Project: Oregon, Pam Briggs

When selecting her State President’s Project, Pam Briggs wanted to encourage and support the work that GFWC Oregon’s small but enthusiastic membership (less than 200) was already doing in most clubs. Therefore, Pam chose the GFWC Signature Program: Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention.

Pam’s project will provide ongoing education and information about the many different aspects of domestic violence. Additionally, Oregon clubwomen are encouraged to not only support domestic violence shelters but to identify new ways to support survivors through supportive services, recovery, and prevention. Success will then be measured by the Signature Program expansion efforts that clubs report, and the number of individuals assisted through club activities.

Every State and District meeting has had a program on some aspect of domestic violence. These efforts have been designed to be interesting, educational, and impactful through the use of video presentations and interactive activities. Presentation topics have included: human sex trafficking of U.S. teens, effective treatment programs for sex trafficking survivors, and date rape. In addition, GFWC Oregon established its own “Go Forward With Confidence” scholarship in 2018 that is available to any survivor of domestic violence or child abuse. Two scholarships were awarded in both 2018 and in 2019. Clubs throughout the state are involved in promoting and supporting this scholarship program!

Volunteers in Action
We’re halfway through the summer, and we hope you’re enjoying the season. Between recreation and soaking up the sun, make time for volunteering! With upcoming observances like International Youth Day (August 12) and the National Park Service Anniversary (August 25), there are many opportunities to engage with your community.

Email with your summer success stories to be featured on GFWC’s Blog.

A GFWC Farewell
GFWC Headquarters said a fond farewell to Membership Coordinator Emily West. We wish her all the best in her new position! Please direct correspondence to to be routed to the proper staff member.

Order Convention Photos
Celebrate your 2019 GFWC Annual Convention highlights by purchasing photos from Lolo B Designs. Relive every tour, banquet, and workshop anytime!

Parliamentary Pointers: Point of Order
by GFWC Parliamentarian Deen J. Meloro

It is the presiding officer’s responsibility to make sure that parliamentary rules are followed during a meeting. In a small group, if a member has a question about whether or not the rules were followed correctly, she can simply raise her hand and ask.

In a large group, calling for a “Point of Order” may be necessary. A member should stand up and call out “Point of Order!,” even if that interrupts the chair or someone else speaking. The chair will ask: “The member will state her point of order.” Then, the member will say why she thinks a rule has been broken.

No “second” is needed and there is no vote. The chair stands and rules on the point of order. The chair would state her reasons for this decision and those reasons are noted in the minutes.

However, it is the assembly that has the final say. If any member disagrees with the chair, then she would stand up and, again, without being recognized, say: “I appeal the decision of the chair.” There must be a “second.” An appeal is usually debated, with each member able to speak once, but the chair is given the courtesy of speaking twice. If she wants to, the chair may speak first or any time during the debate, but she always has the privilege of speaking last.

The appeal is then stated and put to a vote as: “Shall the decision of the chair be sustained?” This requires a majority vote in the negative to overturn the chair. A tie vote or a majority of “aye” votes maintains the chair’s decision.

To make this appeal, a member should be very sure a rule has been broken and be ready to explain according to the organization’s parliamentary authority (usually Robert’s Rules of Order).

GFWC Marketplace: Silicone Phone Wallet

GFWC’s silicone phone wallet can be placed on the back of your phone without demagnetizing the cards you place inside. Keep your ID and credit card in one convenient location!

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Create an account on GFWC’s Member Portal and select the options under Communications Preferences to receive News & Notes.  Have a personal profile already? Check that the “Do Not Email” option is not checked and that the “News & Notes” is checked.