News & Notes – August 15, 2019

Remembering Judy Lutz

On August 7, GFWC was saddened to learn that Judy Lutz, International President from 2002–2004, passed away on what was her 80th birthday. Judy was a caring woman who considered hugging her “specialty” and always responded to “I love you” with “I love you more.”

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Judy attended Johns Hopkins University and eventually taught there before working as a Registered Nurse for over forty years. Judy became a proud Floridian and Florida was proud of her too! During her presidency, clubwomen from her town worked hard to create and display a city entrance sign that read: “Clearwater: Home of Judy Lutz, International President of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs.”

Judy was conscious of how she was part of carrying on GFWC’s legacy and worked to do it well: “Each one of my predecessors has been mindful of her obligation to Jennie June’s mission. Every one of us has pulled some threads from Mrs. Croly’s spool of dreams, and together we have woven a great tapestry dedicated to volunteerism and community service.”

In lieu of flowers, donate to Canine Companions for Independence in her honor. It’s always sad to lose a GFWC International Past President, but her legacy lives on! Read her full biography on the GFWC website.

Celebrate Our National Parks

August 25 marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the National Park Services. From protecting endangered species to preserving the country’s history and natural beauty, National Parks are important spaces. GFWC International Past President Mary Belle King Sherman, known as “The National Park Lady,” was a significant force in conservation efforts and in lobbying for the creation of the National Park Service.

Honor GFWC’s history of conservation efforts and support of the National Parks Service by planning a volunteer opportunity for your club or participating in an event. You’re not limited to August 25; you can help or visit all year long! Make your plans now to help preserve the country’s most breathtaking landscapes.

Volunteers in Action

The Mulvane Federated Women’s Club; Iranian Federated Women’s Club; Murray Women’s Civic Guild are featured on GFWC’s Blog.

Get Ready for Women’s Equality Day

August 26 marks Women’s Equality Day, which commemorates the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment. Celebrate 99 years of women’s suffrage by planning an event or project in your community. Send your success stories to

Verify Your GFWC Profile 

Your personal GFWC profile is ready and waiting for you! Make sure your phone number, email, and address are correct to make sure anything GFWC sends goes to the right place. Review your profile by logging in to the GFWC Member Portal. You can even add a photo (maximum size is 130 x 130 pixels) to give your profile some flair!

Parliamentary Pointers: Reports at Meetings
by GFWC Parliamentarian Deen J. Meloro

Officers and chairmen may report at each club general meeting. The report should be short, germane, and only contain information members need to know. It shouldn’t report items that will be covered by other reports.

A club president might report on where she has gone (a District or State meeting), and what she has done (attended the town council to accept an award on behalf of the club, met with two committees, etc.). Even though she attended those committee meetings, the committee chairman must report the result of those meetings. The members should know what their president has done during the last month. If she has any recommendations concerning her job and information she has received, she can ask a non-officer to make a motion for a recommendation.

A treasurer reports on the state of the treasury. Although Robert’s Rules of Order says that the monthly report can be as simple as the cash balance on hand, that information alone wouldn’t be giving service to members. Members want to know what the treasury balance was at the last meeting, what additional money has come in during the last month and from where, what expenses were paid during the last month, and what the treasury balance is now.

Generally, the secretary does not report, except to read the minutes, but she may report if needed.

Chairmen report on anything new if it’s important for members to know. They report any upcoming meetings or events. It is not important to report on mail received.

All reports should be in writing with a copy to the secretary which can be sent electronically.  The president should know in advance who has a report to make so that she doesn’t call on an officer or chairman only to hear, “No report.”

Marketplace: Notebook

Recapture the end-of-summer thrill of buying new school supplies by starting off your club year with a fresh notebook. The blank pages are just waiting for your next big idea! Featuring a vintage cover of General Federation News, bring together the old and the new and get yours for $12 in the GFWC Marketplace.

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